Non-Smoking Policy Draft: Student Q & A

Student Zhengliang Liu.
November 25, 2014
Anne Arundel Community College is in the course of becoming a smoking free campus.
However, the school’s board of trustees is still in the process of approving a definite smoking policy that
will adjust to the community’s needs.
In the meantime, the Campus Current asked students around the college to come up with questions that would help understand the new rules and adapt to the transition.
The answers were provided by Chris Pineda, President of the Students Association. Pineda’s been working hand in hand with the Board of Trustees in the proposed smoking policy and, although the decision isn’t final, this is what could happen if the policy is approved.
Student: Sean Hughes
Question: “If my electronic cigarette juice does not have nicotine in it will I be reprimanded for the use
of it, or no?”
Answer: “The use of electronic cigarettes will not be allowed. The college policy states that any
tobacco products or tobacco substitutes will not be allowed on campus.”
Student: Dylan Grell
Question: “What about nicotine gum, patches and such? Will those also be able to be used, or what’s
the deal? What about the nicotine products that are used for cessation that are not prescribed, that are
over the counter, like Nicorette and other patches like that?”
Student: Tlee Cooper
Question: “Knowing that cigarettes, the act of smoking, any kind of paraphernalia, or drug, or whatever,
can sometimes be like a process or a change to break out of, what kind of plans are you going to put into
place to help the students who are smokers, maybe even possibly chain smokers, to gradually get them
to adapt to the process?”
Answer: “Patches and smoking programs will be provided by Health services, on the first floor
of the student union.”
Student: Tlee Cooper
Question: “Why isn’t there the alternative of having designated smoking areas for students that might
potentially become a problem in class because they can’t focus because they are in a smoke free
Answer: “The college did try alternative and designated smoking areas, which are the gazebos
located by Annex B and by Dragon Science Building. When the college saw that there was no
progress that was made, and that people were still smoking in the non-designated areas, the issue
was brought to our attention.” Student: Zhengliang Liu
Question: “What is the penalty for the person who does smoke in the campus? Is that going to be a
penalty for money or something else? Or it’s just notification to tell ‘don’t smoke at the campus?”
Answer: “The college committee is still looking at the penalties and consequences of breaking
the rule. Like any policy that is broken, it may be brought up to the student conduct committee.”

Student, Tlee Cooper.