AACC Website
On Tuesday Nov. 11 AACC’s Annual Veteran’s Day Ceremony and reception will be taking place at 11 a.m. in Cade 219.
The ceremony is held to pay respect and tribute to the veterans that risked and lost their lives for Americans to have their fair chance at freedom. It will be a time to remember the deceased heroes of our nation and to not forget our soldiers that are still out there protecting our allies.
“When I wear the uniform, it is an honor.” Said William Wood, a veteran that is also a staff member at AACC’s Military and Veteran Resource Center.
The ceremony is “…a reminder that there is a sacrifice to fight for the greater good. This is a time to reflect and show gratitude to those who serve to protect our Country.”
AACC’s Military and Veteran’s Resource Center is located in the Careers building in Room 107. For more information about Hours of Operation and Contact information can be found at: http://www.aacc.edu/military/MiliVetCent.cfm.