Police report rise in stalking on campus
Three students reported being stalked on campus last fall. If you believe you are being stalked, experts say to inform your family and friends. You can also file a report with AACC police by calling 410-777-1818.
January 25, 2023
This story contains mentions of violence and stalking.
AACC police records indicate that incidents of stalking rose on campus during the fall 2022 semester.
Police took three reports of possible stalking on the Arnold campus in the fall. That compares with one incident total for the five prior years.
“I never knew stalking to be … an issue until I came to AACC,” first-year communications student Olivia Sheridan said.
The Stalking Prevention and Resource Center defines stalking as a behavioral pattern that targets one specific person, causing the victim to feel unsafe.
“[I felt] scared for my safety and the safety of other women around campus,” a dual-enrolled web design student who reported a stalking in October, said. “Wherever I went, he happened to be there.”
After the woman, who asked Campus Current not to use her name, filed a report regarding her experience, police sent out an email alerting all students and faculty.
She said the student continually followed her around campus.
Rick Wiggs, a board member at the Maryland Crime Victims’ Resource Center and a survivor of attempted homicide, offered advice to students who suspect they have a stalker.
“You have to inform people that are around you, your family, your friends,” Wiggs said. “You have to … be open about it.”
Wiggs said he did not know his wife was being stalked until her stalker killed her, shooting him during the attack. Their two children were in another room in their home.
As January is National Stalking Awareness Month, AACC police will host a panel discussion and set up tables across campus to teach about resources for stalking victims, Sgt. Janene Kerpelman said.