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The college asks everyone on campus who tests positive for Covid-19 to email covidsafety@aacc.edu to put in a report.
Approximately 312 students, faculty and others have reported positive Covid-19 cases to the college since July 1.
That compares with 364 cases between July 2021 and April 2022.
“Covid appears to be here to stay,” Deneen Dangerfield, dean of student development, said. “We’re moving into living with Covid. And that moves us into more … personal responsibility, and making sure that each of us are taking responsibility to ensure that we are not spreading it.”
At the end of last semester, the college made wearing masks and showing proof of vaccination optional.
“Students and or staff need to make the decision [to wear masks] if that’s the route they want to take.”
The college asks everyone on campus who tests positive for Covid-19 to report it to the college, which alerts professors, classmates and others who may have been exposed.
“If they should find themselves in a situation where they have tested positive, please contact covidsafety@aacc.edu, put in a report and we will guide you through next steps,” Dangerfield said.
First-year psychology student Katelyn Penix said those campus exposure alerts are “a really good thing to send out to people because you know, you want to know.”
Anne Arundel County Department of Health offers Covid-19 vaccinations and boosters in Annex A on campus.
“I’m vaxxed, booster shot and everything,” Katie Dubics, a web design and media production student, said. “When I get sick, I wear a mask, but it’s not too big of an issue.”
Still, Penix said Covid-19 is “still a concern.”
Dangerfield agreed.
“Covid is here, just like the flu,” Dangerfield said. “I am very concerned as to making sure that my family and I do what is necessary to stay safe and healthy.”