SGA: Speak up for students
The SGA oversees club budgets, acts as the voice of students, and organizes and sponsors events.
August 29, 2022
The Student Government Association is the vital link between students and administration, and just like every leadership organization, it could be even stronger.
Specifically, SGA leaders could be more transparent with the student body about policies that affect them and their clubs. They should make sure that students who are not in the SGA have a say when those policies are being changed.
If the approval for club budgets is delayed by several months, for example, or if it is determined that student organizations will get less funding than in prior semesters, club presidents would like to know. They want to be part of the conversation that happens before the policy change is finalized
Now, not all decisions like that are made by the SGA. But the SGA should fight hard to make sure the student perspective is considered and advocated for and be a representative for the rest of the student body.
We understand that the pandemic threw a wrench in the works for almost every club. But as we come back to campus in greater numbers and students get involved again, student organizations need to be the best possible.
Students need to feel that they have a voice when it comes to policies that affect them. Creating a direct line of communication between students and the administration is imperative to create rules and programs that have the student body in mind.
One of the side effects of Covid-19 is that our clubs have been focusing on simply surviving. Some clubs shut down and are just beginning to open back up.
But as students return to normal and more people try to find community at AACC, we need to make student life lively and present. We need to thrive.
To the new members of the SGA: We need you to get us back on track, back in the know and back together as a student body.
We need you to speak for us. Loudly.
And please let us know—loud and clear—about SGA meetings and events. Our community will be stronger if more students are involved. They can’t be involved if they don’t know what’s going on.
A suggestion: Publicize your own events and other clubs’ events beyond posting on The Nest. Share them early and share them often on social media, via email and text, and on messaging platforms like Discord.
Finally, an offer from Campus Current: Any club—including SGA—can advertise a club event or recruiting effort in the digital edition of the student newspaper—for free—this semester.
We’re all in this together.