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The second COVID-10 booster is available on campus to those who are older than 50, are immunocompromised or whose first two shots were from Johnson & Johnson.
Anyone who is 50 or older or is immunocompromised can get the second COVID-19 booster shot on the Arnold campus.
The Anne Arundel County Department of Public Health is offering the shots in Annex A on the Arnold campus.
“We continue to strongly encourage vaccinations and boosters as an added safeguard for individuals and our community,” AACC President Dawn Lindsay said in an email to the campus community.
The college no longer requires students and campus visitors to prove they are vaccinated or have tested negative for COVID-19 every week. After May 19, masks will be optional for students, faculty and staff.
The second booster shot is for people who had their first booster at least four months ago. The boosters are restricted to those who are older than 50, who are immunocompromised or who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine plus a Johnson & Johnson first booster.
Lindsay said the Anne Arundel County Department of Public Health will continue “to offer vaccines and boosters on the Arnold campus until further notice.”
The vaccination clinic in Annex A, located at the back of the Humanities parking lot on the Arnold campus, is open on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. and on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
For scheduling vaccine and booster appointments, visit aacounty.org/covidvax/.
Students said the vaccine clinic made it easy for them to get their vaccines and first boosters on campus.
First-year business student Ben White said it’s good that AACC has a place for people to get vaccinated, noting AACC’s importance to the surrounding area.
“I think it’s good that it’s available to anyone … since it’s in the heart of the community,” White, who has gotten all of his COVID-19 vaccines on campus, said.
First-year business student Garrett Senko, who also received his COVID-19 vaccines at the vaccination center on campus, agreed.
Senko added having a place to get his shots at school was useful.
“I think it’s very convenient for a lot of the students here and it’s easy for them to pop over there at the end of their class and get it,” Senko said.