Where Are They Headed: Kira Evans
Kira Evans and friend
October 16, 2014
High school: South River High School Transferred to Wye River during the middle of eleventh grade
Graduated: 2014
Year at AACC: First year
Q: What is your major?
A: No real specific thing in art.
Q: How did you get into art?
A: Ever since I was really little, I’ve always been drawing and really into art. I was always playing with like dirt and clay and stuff like that so I just kind of kept doing that.
Q: Who is your favorite artist?
A: The first one that comes to mind is Frieda Kahlo. She is awesome.
Q: Why do you like Frieda Kahlo?
A: I like that she went through so much and she was a queer woman and she was disabled and she made a the most beautiful paintings in my opinion.
Q: What all did she go through?
A: She was chronically ill and she was queer and she had a husband for a while and she slept around a lot with women. She frequently would get in fights and she was very nonconforming at the time. And she was just really cool.
Q: Where are you hoping to transfer to?
A: I’m really hoping to transfer to SCAD. Savannah College of Art and Design. I’ve been to Savannah a couple of times.
Q: What do you like about it?
A: I really like the environment. It really has a lot of history…candy shops and I’m a weird sweet tooth person that eats candy like, all of the time.
Q: What are you hoping to figure out by taking classes here at AACC?
A: I don’t know. I don’t necessarily want to narrow. I’m just kinda want to refine what it is that I do because I’m pretty sporadic in what I do. I do sculpture. I really like tattoo art, graphic design. I just like pretty much everything from like cooking to carving. Its pretty out there.
Q: What was high school like for you?
A: For a long time it was not great. I was going through a lot. I have a couple mental illnesses. I have extreme anxiety and severe depression and a menagerie of other issues. I was having panic attacks all the time and so I transferred over to Wye River.
Q: What is Wye River?
A: It is a high school for kids with ADHD and behavioral issues.
Q: What was it like?
A: It was kind of odd for me because I went from having a friend group of pretty much all girls to a school that had like a total of five girls…I was an experience. And then I graduated and I have been doing a lot of art…well not art. I’ve been doing a lot of procrastinating.
Q: What was school like for you in general?
A: I was bullied a lot. Mostly in middle school. It wasn’t as bad in high school. Middle school was bad. I was beat up a lot. I was the weird kid with short hair and then I was the gay kid. But then I found a pretty big acquaintance group and I didn’t get bullied quiet as much in high school.
Q: What’s the main difference between AACC and your former high schools?
A: There are so many more people that I can talk to. Like, I couldn’t really talk to many people in my high school about much of anything. There are definitely a couple of friends from high school that I have kind of kept in touch but not a lot. But here I’ve actually made a couple of friends that I might actually keep in touch with and I really like the trees.
Q: How do you feel about Coming out Week?
A: I love it. There were very few people out at my school. It is so strange coming from a place like my high school to a place that is so accepting and that has a GSA [Gay Straight Alliance] that is so big that it might have to change to a bigger room soon because there are so many people.
Q: How would your friends describe you?
A: I don’t know I guess they would say. I guess I’m kind of unpredictable. I can be very happy and friendly and then I can be on the reverse end of that.
Q: Top five musicians that you are listening to right now:
A: Soap and Skin. They’re kind of spooky. I also really like Dead Mans Bones. Hozier. Iamx and…Sia. Sia’s cool.
Q: Give us a fun fact about yourself.
A: Hm…I can’t think of anything…All I keep think about is weird animal facts.
Q: We like animals.
A: I don’t know…Koalas make the same sound as a car horn does.

Kira Evans’ would like you to know that koalas make the same sound as car horns.