Zack Buster
Students can call AACC police directly by pressing the red button on the blue phones all around the Arnold campus.
Because more students are going back to in-person classes this spring semester, the crime level on campus could increase slightly, AACC’s police chief said earlier this month.
However, Sean Kapfhammer explained the levels of crime on campus are consistently low.
“Since we have limited students here, crime is practically non-existent,” Kapfhammer said. “As we open up more, some crimes would be expected to increase.”
On campus, he said, the most common offenses are crimes of opportunity, such as petty theft of valuables, like laptops and smartphones, that students leave unattended.
“If you leave a valuable phone, someone might see it, and walk off with it,” Kapfhammer said. He said most thefts are preventable.
“Criminals are looking for opportunity,” Kapfhammer said. “If you don’t present them with an opportunity, you’re less likely to be victimized.”
The same goes for walking to a parking lot after dark, Kapfhammer said.
“Any time during the day or night, we will provide an officer to escort that person to their car if they feel unsafe,” Kapfhammer said.
Kapfhammer said students can contact the police in a number of ways.
For example, the college has installed blue phones all over in parking lots that automatically dial the campus police when someone lifts the receiver.
“No matter where we’re at, it wouldn’t take us more than five minutes to get to you in an emergency,” Kapfhammer said.