Let Your Voice Be Heard
October 10, 2014
The general midterm election is coming up this November and AACC wants you to come out and vote.
On November 4, Maryland will be holding the general midterm election in which we elect a Governor, Comptroller, Attorney General, Representative in Congress, State Senators, House of Delegates, and Judge of the Court of Appeals. All of the candidates for each position can be found on the Maryland state website.
You may be asking yourself, “Why should I care?”
If you need motivation to go out and register to vote in your local elections, it might help to think about it this way: if you’ve ever complained about your work conditions, your education system, your highways, or your taxes, this is your chance to do something about it.
“I honestly didn’t even know there was an election coming up,” said Grace Leander, transfer-studies major here at AACC. “I have no idea whose running or what the hell is going on.”
AACC is hoping to see more students getting involved in local politics, says Campus Information and Visitor Services. Voter registration packets are available at all times in the Student Services Building at the information desk on the Arnold campus. All students need to do is fill out the form and the workers at the information desk will seal the form and send it out for no cost.
“It’s about having your political voice be heard. Voting is very important.” Said Heather McFarland of the information services here at AACC.
Arnold’s Information and Visitor Services is open from Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The voters registration forms are available all year round for students to access.